Kilometres travelled
50,000 - 75,000 km
Did you buy this car new or used?
If used, what year did you buy it used?
How much did you pay? (including all on-road costs)
What were your needs when you bought this car? Has it fulfilled those needs?
Mid sized SUV, 4WD, capable to tow and seat a large GSD at times. Good on fuel, safety equipment and upto date electronics. Capable of driving 600km with comfort for driver at the end. Good looking with a coloured paint not silver or white. The model purchased exceeded my needs but slightly more expensive than wanted to spend. Different to drive than sante fe but more safety features and more comfortable. Not 4WD great fuel economy.
What were your initial thoughts about the car? Tell us why it appealed to you.
Good looking bit on the small size. More roomy inside the vehicle with plenty storage space. Very quiet with stop start control. European vehicle
What have you discovered since owning the car?
Good mid sized SUV, love driving it, economy, sports or paddle shift on curved roads. Great cruise control with auto brakes cornering headlights amazing
What do you like/dislike about the car?
Like every single thing except the ignition start button which sometimes takes it time to turn over the car. At times nothing happens despite repeated pressing the start button and applying the foot brake. Also now and again fails to stop the ignition when pushed No spare wheel
Any other comments on the car?
Value for money
Overall rating
Lastly, would you buy this vehicle again?
Why would/wouldn't you buy it again?
Most impressive SUV purchased, drives well and looks the part, great features and great comfort. No issues with FWD version to date