Comedian James Roque is a judge on The Masked Singer (Three, Sundays 7pm).
What exactly are you driving?
I am driving a black 2006 Nissan Tiida. I call him Michael Caine ’cause he makes me feel like a cool, distinguished old man.
You’re a panelist on The Masked Singer. Do you not think you should wear a mask driving this?
Absolutely not. This car is my baby and I truly do not care if people judge me. As far as I'm concerned, that's them projecting their insecurities on me!
Why did you buy this particular vehicle?
I needed a reliable runaround that was good on gas, but also had enough room. I'm not a huge car guy so I just needed something to get me around while being roomy enough that it was comfortable. Funnily enough, the boyfriend of the girl who I bought it off asked me why I was buying it too. And I said "because I do not care".
To view all Nissan Tiida models currently listed on DRIVEN, click here
Are you a big Kim Catrall fan (and are you old enough to get that joke)?
Bahahaha! I just Googled it and holy smokes this car just took on a whole new meaning for me. Shoutouts Kim Catrall! Sex and the City just ain’t the same without you gal! How dare they do a reboot!
Is this your everyday drive?
Sure is! Gets me where I need to be and is easy to drive and park. Tick tick.
What do you always have in your car?
Okay. So I have this pair of sunglasses that look like what every dude wore in 2010 while listening to Like a G6. I whip them out and put them on to make my girlfriend laugh and it works every time without fail. Those glasses are what I use if I get in the dogbox; it usually works and gets a laugh.
What’s your dream car?
Honestly, I would love to own maybe a Tesla. Something fully electric with all the bells and whistles. I've never really been a brand new car kinda guy, so I think that'd be dope.
Nissan makes the world’s most famous electric car, the Leaf. What about that?
Not a Leaf. They're uh...a bit too spaceship designey for me I think. But you know, to each their own.
What do you think about driverless cars?
Absolutely terrified to be honest! I've watched The Terminator and iRobot one too many times I think. I need humans driving my car, thank you very much!