Kilometres travelled -75,000 - 100,000 km
Do you buy this car new or used? - Used (purchased in 2020)
How much did you pay? (including all on-road costs) - $0
What were your needs when you bought this car? Has it fulfilled those needs?
Coupe minimum 2.0L cheap sports car, rear wheel drive.
What were your initial thoughts about the car? Tell us why it appealed to you.
made by toyota with partnership engineering with subaru and it looks beautiful :)
economical on fuel, friendly and fun to drive all the way to Otago.
The color, I was looking for black but I got the red.
Any other comments about the car?
I don't like the engine sound :)
Star ratings:
- Reliability - 5/5
- Features/technology - 5/5
- Performance/economy - 5/5
- Value for money - 5/5
- Overall rating - 5/5
Lastly, would you buy this vehicle again?
Why would/wouldn't you buy it again?
For the getting bigger family, everyone wants to have it same or the new and upgraded engine Toyota GR :)