Nigel Huffam
Kilometres travelled
10,000 - 25,000 km
Did you buy this car new or used?
How much did you pay? (including all on-road costs)
What were your needs when you bought this car? Has it fulfilled those needs?
After shifting to a retirement village we need a smaller car to fit garage better.our Nissan pulsar sedan was too long an we couldn’t walk around the back of the car when needed to
What were your initial thoughts about the car? Tell us why it appealed to you.
The mg is a great little car easier to get in and out of drives well and comfortable seats .good mileage on long trips.good technology for music etc. came in a nice yellow colour.
What have you discovered since owning the car?
 That the bonnet release is by passenger door! The clock seems to gain time so have to reset every so often.
What do you like/dislike about the car?
Only a little stiff in suspension when driving over speed bumps. Can’t turn side mirrors in easily when needed .they are quite stiff to push. Like that Bluetooth via my phone gets music l want using spotify
Any other comments on the car?
Would recommend it as a good smaller car
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Value for money
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Overall rating
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Lastly, would you buy this vehicle again?