Kilometres travelled
10,000 - 25,000 km
Did you buy this car new or used?
How much did you pay? (including all on-road costs)
What were your needs when you bought this car? Has it fulfilled those needs?
Wanted a "do it all" daily driver. It's fast and can be loud but also very practical care for the family and carrying things.
What were your initial thoughts about the car? Tell us why it appealed to you.
It sounded great, and felt like it was built solidly. The B58 engine is supposed to be bullet proof and it is.
What have you discovered since owning the car?
As advertised it is the perfect daily driver. I like the technology which allows me to almost switch my brain off on the motorway.
What do you like/dislike about the car?
Likes: the noise it makes in a parking garage on start up. It has LASERS! (headlights...) Dislikes: my one didn't come with wireless phone charge pad.
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Value for money
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Overall rating
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Lastly, would you buy this vehicle again?