Audi A3 TFSI 2003 👍

Owner Review: Community Contributor
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Kilometres travelled

75,000 - 100,000 km

Did you buy this car new or used?


If used, what year did you buy it used?


How much did you pay? (including all on-road costs)


What were your needs when you bought this car? Has it fulfilled those needs?

Need= 2nd car

Fulfilled needs - we have owned the vehicle since 1,200km, it has now done 76,000.

(Note relativity low mileage is because we lived overseas for a number of yrs but retained the vehicle)

We have experienced only “1” problem with the car = fuel pump failure in 2009 & even though the care was well out of warranty AUDI NZ replaced the pump FOC. Car has been serviced annually & has timing belt replaced once. Currently on its 2nd set of tyres.

What were your initial thoughts about the car? Tell us why it appealed to you.

Brand quality, Build quality, Brand reputation, Dealer reputation

When we bought the car it had only done a very low mileage = 1200km

What have you discovered since owning the car?

That after 16 yrs of ownership that it still drives as it did when it was new and remains a pleasure to drive

What do you like/dislike about the car?

 Reliability. Having to search through a screen menu to use controls for the AC etc is a major distraction


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Value for money

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Overall rating

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Lastly, would you buy this vehicle again?


Why would/wouldn't you buy it again?

If could be bought without the current set of extra so called safety distractions.

Note: for a period of time we did have a 2018 version of the same model and was like taking at retrograde step.