Watch: We talk country music and DeLoreans! Zooming with DRIVEN EP117

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In the latest episode of Zooming with DRIVEN Sam and Dean talk to country music star Miranda Easten about her music and - more importantly (well, to us at least!) - her DMC DeLorean.

Miranda fell in love with the DeLorean when she first saw one in - you guessed it - Back to the Future and has gone on to own three in the years since!

But it's not just a friendly chat - Dean also tests Miranda and Sam on their DeLorean knowledge with a quiz (spoiler alert: Miranda destroys Sam...) on the iconic car.

Then there is also the usual newsy stuff as Dean talks about the first round of the new Formula One season, the Ford SuperVan heading to Pikes Peak and the Australian woman who had an unusual excuse after being pinged by a traffic camera holding a mobile phone, which wasn't actually a phone. Well, not a real one, at least.