WATCH: NZ's Motor Industry Association chief on why the Clean Car Standard isn't achieveable

David Linklater
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The Government's Clean Car Standard is a hot topic again this week, as the Land Transport (Clean Vehicle) Amendment Bill makes its way through the parliamentary process.

The "feebate" scheme has now been pushed back from January 2022 to April, but are there more changes in the offing?

The Motor Industry Association (MIA), the organisation that represents New Zealand's new-vehicle distributors, hopes so. It has been forthright in its criticism of the Bill, arguing that the Government has misunderstood how our new vehicles are sourced, which emissions protocols are appropriate and what timeframe is achieveable for a market that accounts for just 0.18 per cent of global new-vehicle production.


MIA chief executive David Crawford (pictured above left with Transport Minister Michael Wood, centre) talks us through the issues as the car industry sees them, and demystifies the layers of the Clean Car programme: what exactly is the difference between the Clean Car Discount, Clean Car "feebates" and the Clean Car Import Standard (that's the bit the MIA is upset about). Watch our video above above to find out.